Monday, January 14, 2013


Good news!!  We got some awesome updates today!  Hannah will be 2 years old in March and we weren't sure if she was even walking.  We know now that she is!!!  She is walking everywhere!!!  It was so sweet to see her walking around the orphanage today.  She has the sweetest little face and chubby cheeks.  I can't wait to swoop her up in my arms and kiss, kiss, kiss her!  She is pretty small though.  I had been saving Anslee's clothes from about 12 months thinking she would not need clothes that small, but according to her measurements, she would be wearing 9-12 month clothes!  Wow!  I have got to dig back through my stuff to see what I've got that size if anything.  :)  We are so excited to be close to bringing our sweet girl home!  We love her already in a way that is hard to explain.  God has put a love for her in our hearts and we are honored to be chosen by God to be her parents!